importante do que as boas obras que fizermos, são as atitudes em ouvirmos,
guardarmos e compartilharmos a sabedoria da palavra com os nossos irmãos para
que nós e os outros tenham a oportunidade de conhecer o único caminho
importante a trilhar.
é misericordioso para com nós; criou-nos, enviou o único filho para ser
sacrificado pela purificação dos nossos pecados e para a nossa cura, nos
mantendo em constante proteção terrena e ainda nos indicando por onde caminhar
para que seja alcançada a vida eterna.
Sentence of the
day: mercy of God.
Not for the works
of justice that we had done, but according to your mercy, it saved us for the
wash of the regeneration and of Spirit Saint renewal. (Tito 3:5)
More important
than the good works that do, they are the attitudes in we hear, we keep and we
share the wisdom of the word with our siblings so that us and the others have
the opportunity to know the only important road to thrash.
God is merciful to us; he you created us, he sent
the only son to be sacrificed by the purification of our sins and for our cure,
staying in constant terrestrial protection and still indicating us through
where to walk so that eternal life is reached.
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