O nosso Deus é um Deus de perseverança e de vitórias, portanto, jamais devemos nos desanimar, mas sim, andar de cabeça erguida e nas aflições elevarmos os nossos pedidos ao Senhor para que revigore as nossas forças e nos apresente a solução para que a paz seja restaurada e as nossas conquistas garantidas.
Sentence of the day: the victory and perseverance subject.
I have you dictates this, so that in me you have peace; in the world you will have afflictions, but it tends good vitality, I won the world. (João 16:33)
Our God is a perseverance God and of victories, therefore, we should never be discouraged, but, walk of erect head and in the afflictions we elevate our requests to the Mister so that it invigorates our forces and present us the solution for the peace it is recuperated and our guaranteed conquests.
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