Deus colocou imensa responsabilidade a Jesus e Ele demonstrou a todo tempo uma confiança incontestável ao Pai, sempre aceitando de coração o que fora determinado, falando e realizando obras em nome do criador em exemplo da importância à obediência e consideração que devemos ter para com o nosso Senhor.
Sentence of the day: obedience and consideration.
They told him, because: Where is your Father? Jesus answered: You don't know me, nor to my Father; if you knew me, you would also know my Father. (João 8:19)
God placed immense responsibility to Jesus and Him it demonstrated at every time an unanswerable trust to the Father, always accepting of heart that had been certain, speaking and accomplishing works on behalf of the creator in example of the importance to the obedience and consideration that we should have to ours Mister.
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