Durante a nossa estadia terrestre já conquistamos vários objetivos, vencendo muitos desafios e prosperamos até os dias de hoje; tudo isso graças a Deus por sua misericórdia e imensurável amor que tem para com cada um, portanto, devemos nos manter fiéis, renovando a nossa fé para que outras conquistas sejam alcançadas e caso algo nos tenha sido retirado que seja restituído como bênçãos do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: we arrived until today thanks to the Mister.
Then it took Samuel a stone, and it put her among Mizpá and Without, and he called him Ebenézer; and he said: Here it helped us you. (1 Samuel 7:12)
During our terrestrial permanence we already conquered several objectives, winning many challenges and we prospered until the days today; all this thanks to God for your mercy and immeasurable love that he has to each one, therefore, we should stay followers, renewing our faith for other conquests is reached and I marry something it has been us retired that is restored as blessings of the Mister.
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