A inquietação não pode fazer parte da nossa vida sem o combate, pois, em nada nos acrescenta, ao contrário, o inimigo a utiliza para tentar nos ganhar, portanto, devemos agir com a sobriedade que encontramos na palavra, louvando a Deus e então sairemos vencedores para a vergonha dos nossos inimigos.
Sentence of the day: the disturbance doesn't belong us.
Why are abated, my the soul, and why do disturb you inside of me? He waits in God, because I will still praise him, which is the salvation of my face, and my God. (Psalms 42:11)
The inquietude cannot be part of our life without the combat, because, in anything it increases us, to the opposite, the enemy uses her to try to win us, therefore, we should act with the sobriety that we found in the word, praising God and then we will leave winners for our enemies' shame.
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