A imoralidade
não pertence aos escolhidos de Deus, portanto, importante procurarmos cultivarmos
e preservarmos um bom caráter, sendo amáveis, praticantes do bem e honrando a
palavra que o Senhor nos deixou para que pudéssemos ter uma vida mais serena
nesta enquanto caminharmos pelo mundo terreno e ao final podermos ser contemplados
com a coroa da vida eterna.
espera que possamos ser multiplicadores da Sua obra, mas, para isso, precisamos
cuidar para que os nossos corações estejam purificados e assim possamos
produzir bons frutos, os quais saciarão a nossa fome e a de nossos irmãos.
Sentence of the day: purification.
Lucky that, if somebody becomes purified of these
things, it will be vase for honor, sanctified and suitable for use of the
Mister, and prepared for the whole good work. (2 Timóteo 2:21)
The immorality doesn't belong to the chosen of God,
therefore, important we seek we cultivate and we preserve a good character,
being kind, apprentices of the good and honoring the word that the Mister he
left us so that we could have a more serene life in this while we walk for the
terrestrial world and at the end we could be contemplated with the crown of the
eternal life.
God waits that can be multipliers of Your work, but,
for that, we needed to take care so that our hearts are purified and we can
produce like this good fruits, which will satiate our hunger and the one of our
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