Por mais violenta que seja uma
tormenta, a nossa perseverança na fé deve ser mantida, pois, o Senhor estará
nos acompanhando para a manutenção da nossa segurança e restauração das nossas
Os momentos que consideramos como
dificuldades não passarão de tribulações, das quais sairemos fortes para a
continuidade de uma jornada mais serena e promissora para a honra e glória so
Senhor que é bom o tempo todo.
Sentence of the day: Have faith, the happiness will be
However, the Mister wait the moment of being kind with
you; he will still rise to show them compassion. Because the Mister it is God
of justice. As they are happy all what wait in him! (Isaías 30:18)
No matter how violent it is a storm, our perseverance
in the faith it should be maintained, therefore, the Mister it will be us
accompanying for our safety's maintenance and restoration of our energies.
The moments that we considered as difficulties won't
pass of tribulations, of the which we will leave strong for the continuity of a
more serene and promising day for the honor and alone glory Mister that is good
the whole time.
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