Diferenciar o bem do mal, e a ter acesso ao
conhecimento necessário para superar as armadilhas do inimigo é possível a
todos que não sejam mais crianças, pois, assim preparou o Senhor.
Sabedores de que o bem deve sempre prevalecer,
sendo o que nos aproxima de Deus, a nossa missão cotidiana é fazer o seu
cultivo com amor e carinho para que floresça e produz cada vez mais frutos para
nos saciar e aos nossos irmãos.
Sentence of the day:
But the solid maintenance
is for the perfect ones, the ones which, in reason of the habit, they have the
senses exercised to discern him so much as well as the badly. (Hebrew
To differentiate the good
of the evil, and to have access to the necessary knowledge to overcome the
enemy's traps it is possible to all that are not more children, because, he
prepared like this him/it Mister.
Knowing that the good
should always prevail, being what it approximates us of God, our daily mission
is to do your cultivation with love and affection so that it blooms and it
produces fruits more and more to satiate us and to our siblings.
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