Há vários anos e até os dias atuais em vários municípios
brasileiros, essa data vem sendo comemorada em festas
populares organizadas pelas administrações públicas com diversas atividades, inclusive
com o reconhecimento aos trabalhadores os quais impulsionam o progresso.
Uma das homenagens aos trabalhadores é o prêmio
denominado “Operário Padrão”, o qual é entregue pelos empresários durante os
eventos realizados pelas administrações públicas.
Em todo trabalho há proveito, mas ficar só em palavras leva à
pobreza. (Provérbios 14:23)
Day of the Worker - May 1.
The 1st (first) of May it is national holiday. On May
1, 1943 it was created to main protection legislation to the labor laws in
Brazil, the Consolidation of the Laws of the Work - CLT that was accepted by
our Great Letter.
There are several years and until the days you act in
several Brazilian municipal districts, that date has been commemorated at
organized popular parties by the public administrations with several
activities, besides with the recognition to the workers which impel the
One of the homages to the workers is the prize
denominated "Standard" Worker, which is given by the entrepreneurs
during the events accomplished by the public administrations.
In every work there is advantage, but to be alone in
words group to the poverty. (Proverbs 14:23)
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