Os conselhos de Deus são para o alcance de benefícios,
portanto, devem ser seguidos na íntegra e sem nenhuma contestação. O Senhor tem
várias promessas de bênçãos, as quais são de fácil acesso, aguardando apenas
que sejamos capazes de caminharmos ao seus encontros.
Sentence of the day: wisdom when following the advices.
According to the order of the Mister, the children of
Israel left, and according to the order of the Mister they camped her; everyday
in that the cloud stopped on the tabernacle, they were camped. (Numbers
The advices of God are for the reach of benefits,
therefore, they should be followed in the complete and without any reply. The
Mister he has several promises of blessings, which are of easy access, just
awaiting that are capable of we walk to your encounters.
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