Deus não se alegra com nossas tristezas, ao
contrário, nos retira do sofrimento, devolvendo a alegria para a nossa vida. O
Senhor espera que ofereçamos com satisfação e espontaneidade louvores,
dignificando o santo nome do criador que nos recompensará com bênçãos.
Sentence of the day:
praises to God.
Therefore, let us always
offer for him to God praise sacrifice, that is, the fruit of the lips that you
admit your name. (Hebrew 13:15)
God doesn't get happy
with our sadness, to the opposite, it removes us of the suffering, returning
the happiness for our life. The Mister wait that we offer with satisfaction and
spontaneity praises, dignifying the creator's saint name that will reward us
with blessings.
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