O que plantarmos, independente da quantidade ou qualidade
será o que colheremos, portanto, se desejarmos bons frutos, precisaremos
providenciar o plantio de boas sementes.
Deus está atento às nossas atitudes e cuidará para que as
nossas boas ações sejam recompensadas, mas, uma coisa é certa, o Senhor não
aprova zombarias.
Sentence of the day: crop.
You don't wander: God doesn't let to
mock; because everything that the man to sow, that will also harvest. (Gálatas
What plant, independent of the amount
or quality will be what will pick, therefore, if we want good fruits, we will
need to provide the planting of good seeds.
God is attentive to our attitudes and
he will take care so that our good actions are rewarded, but, a thing is right,
the Mister it doesn't approve mockeries.
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