O inimigo não conseguirá nem mesmo enxergar o servo do
Senhor, muito menos lhe tocar, portanto, devemos trazer a pureza em nossos
corações e nos segurarmos na palavra de Deus para que as nossas jornadas sejam
sempre sob a proteção divina.
Sentence of the day: divine protection.
And it went between the field of the Egyptians and the
field of Israel; and the cloud was darkness for those, and for these it cleared
the night; so that in the whole night he/she didn't approach one of the other.
(Exôdo 14:20)
The enemy won't get not even to see the servant of the
Mister, much less to play him, therefore, we should bring the purity in our
hearts and we hold ourselves in the word of God so that our days are always
under the divine protection.
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