A nossa
convivência é em sociedade, portanto, para que possamos conviver em harmonia,
importante seguirmos os conselhos de Deus para que possamos nos manter
afastados das contendas, principalmente as que surjam de discussões sobre
questões de entendimentos particulares.
inteligência no saber ouvir possibilitará a cautela ao falar em dar as nossas
opiniões e ouvirmos sugestões ou conselhos, dos quais se formos dedicados na
fé, saberemos assimilar o que será de melhor para nós e que não desagrade ao
Sentence of the day: behavior.
But you don't enter in crazy
subjects, genealogies and contentions, and in the debates concerning the law;
because they are useless and void things. (Tito 3:9)
Our coexistence is in society,
therefore, so that we can live together in harmony, important we take the
advices of God so that we can stay moved away of the contentions, mainly the
ones that appear of discussions on subjects of private understandings.
The intelligence in knowing to hear
will make possible the caution when speaking in giving our opinions and we hear
suggestions or advices, of the which if we be dedicated in the faith, we will
know how to assimilate what will be of best for us and that doesn't displease
to the Mister.
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