O que Deus tem preparado para nós é imensurável, não pode ser
comparado o quanto seja expressiva uma riqueza terrena. O Senhor nos reserva maravilhas
que duram para sempre, portanto, poderemos continuar caminhando sem deixar
vacilar a nossa fé e o que está nos aguardando será a vitória.
Sentence of the day:
Because we know that, if our
terrestrial house of this tabernacle if it undoes, we have of God a building, a
house not done by hands, eternal, in the skies. (2
Corinthian 5:1)
The one that God has mixture for us
is immeasurable, the cannot be compared all it is expressive a terrestrial
wealth. The Mister in the reservation marvels that last forever, therefore, we
can continue walking without letting to hesitate our faith and what is us
awaiting it will be the victory.
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