Deus nos ensina para que sejamos cordiais e amorosos para com
os nossos irmãos e que saibamos perdoar pelas faltas cometidas contra nós.
Devemos apreender e transformar em atividade cotidiana o
fazer o bem sem olhar a quem e assim seremos imensamente recompensados pelo
Sentence of the day: to do the good
with love in the heart.
Before thirst some to the other
benign, merciful, forgiving you each other, as well as God forgave you in
Christ. (Efésios 4:32)
God teaches us so that we are cordial
and loving to our siblings and that know how to forgive for the lacks made
against us.
We should apprehend and to transform
in daily activity doing the good without looking to who and we will be rewarded
like this vastly by the Mister.
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