Deus nos deixou o ensinamento para que sejamos vigilantes
quando estivermos na liderança. A sabedoria contida na palavra nos ensina que
devemos nos despir de vaidade e do orgulho, procurando servir de exemplos,
mediante atos de benevolências em defesa dos interesses das pessoas.
Sentence of the day: humility in the
Then Jesus, calling them near itself,
he said: Well you know that for the heathens' princes they are these dominated,
and that the big ones exercise authority on them. It won't be like this among
you; but all that that wants among you to do big is your servant; And, any that
wants to be the first among you, be your servant; As well as the man's Son
didn't come to be served, but to serve, and to give your life in ransom of
many. (Mateus 20:25-28)
God left us the teaching so that we
are vigilant when we are in the leadership. The wisdom contained in the word
he/she teaches us that should undress of vanity and of the pride, trying to
serve as examples, by acts of benevolences in defense of the people's
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