O livre arbítrio que o Senhor nos concedeu é ilimitado,
portanto, temos inclusive a liberdade para os nossos pensamentos, mas, é
importante nos policiarmos para que os nossos planos sejam sempre agradáveis a
Não se efetivarão qualquer que seja o plano, por mais
audacioso que pareça, caso o mesmo vá de encontro aos ensinamentos divinos, ou
seja, somente será concluído se permanecermos obedientes ao criador.
Sentence of the day: plans
second to the word.
Destroying the advices, and
all the haughtiness that gets up against the knowledge of God, and taking
captive the whole understanding to Christ's obedience. (2 Corinthian 10:5)
The free will that the
Mister it granted it is us limitless, therefore, we have the freedom besides
for our thoughts, but, it is important we police ourselves so that our plans
are always pleasant to God.
They won't be executed any
that is the plan, no matter how audacious it seems, I marry the same it runs
into the divine teachings, in other words, it will only be ended if we stay
obedient to the creator.
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