A manifestação de dons depende da
perseverança na fé. Se alguém crer em Deus e o reconhece como Senhor, já é um
agraciado com dom divino, portanto, agindo com cautela, fé e responsabilidade
com os ensinamentos divinos, será merecedor do reconhecimento e respectiva
graça em poder trilhar serenamente e com prosperidade pelos caminhos da vida.
of the day: talents.
seek with zeal the best talents; and I will show you a more excellent road. (1
Corinthian 12:31)
manifestation of talents depends on the perseverance in the faith. If somebody
has faith in God and it recognizes him as Mister, it is already a favored with
divine talent, therefore, acting with caution, faith and responsibility with
the divine teachings, it will be worthy of the recognition and respective grace
in could calmly thrash and with prosperity for the roads of the life.
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