sabedoria nos ensina ouvir mais do que falar, mas, nem todos que procuram nos
aconselhar podem estar querendo o nosso bem, portanto, antes da tomada das
nossas decisões devemos consultar a palavra que iluminará os nossos caminhos e aguçará
os nossos sentidos para que sejamos capazes de realizarmos as obras de acordo
com os desejos de Deus.
Sentence of the day: the word of God is alive.
Take advice together, and he will be frustrated; say a
word, and she won't subsist, because God is with us. (Isaías 8:10)
The wisdom teaches to hear us more than to speak, but,
nor all that seek advice they can be wanting our good, therefore, before the
electric outlet of our decisions we should consult the word that will
illuminate our roads and it will sharpen our senses so that we are capable of
we accomplish the works in agreement with the desires of God.
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