confiarmos em Deus como devemos, ou seja, de todo o nosso coração, não pairará
nenhuma dúvida de que nada nos faltará, ao contrário, não sendo ganancioso Deus
estará sempre nos concedendo bênçãos além das nossas necessidades para que
jamais tenhamos o sentimento de desamparo.
Sentence of the day: aided by the Mister.
Be your habits without avarice, being satisfied with
what tends; because he said: I won't leave you, nor I will abandon you. (Hebrew
To the we trust God as we owed, in other words, of all
our heart, it won't hover any doubt that anything we will lack, to the
opposite, not being greedy God will always be granting us blessings besides our
needs so that we never have the feeling of abandonment.
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