nossa confiança em Deus jamais pode ser abalada, ao contrário, a perseverança
em nossa fé deve prevalecer, e assim, não vacilaremos em nenhuma atitude ou
esperança e confiança no Senhor de todas as coisas, não permitirá que o inimigo
nos confunda, pois, seremos contemplados com bênçãos que nos elevaram à
qualidade de imbatíveis vencedores neste mundo terreno e ainda nos conduzirá à
vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: unanswerable trust in the
Second my intense expectation and hope, that in
anything will be confused; before, with the whole trust, Christ will be, so
much now as always, increased in my body, be for the life, be for the death.
(Filipenses 1:20)
Our trust in God can never be affected, to the
opposite, the perseverance in our faith should prevail, and like this, we won't
hesitate in any attitude or decision.
The hope and trust in the Mister of all the things, it
won't allow the enemy to confuse us, therefore, we will be contemplated with
blessings that elevated us to the unbeatable winners' quality in this
terrestrial world and it will still lead us to the eternal life.
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