Senhor tudo sabe, portanto, nada poderá ficar oculto, então devemos nos portar
com respeito às instruções contidas na palavra, e ao realizarmos as obra, que
sejam as agradáveis ao nosso criador, atendendo aos propósitos divinos, os
quais possibilitarão caminharmos com segurança por um caminho iluminado.
Sentence of the day: the Mister everything sees.
Oh of the one that want hide deeply your purpose of
the Mister, and they make your works to the dark ones, and they say: Who sees
us? And
who knows us? (Isaías 29:15)
The Mister everything knows, therefore, nothing can be
occult, then we should behave with regard to the instructions contained in the
word, and to the we accomplish them work, that you are the pleasant ones
to our creator, assisting to the divine purposes, which will make possible walk
with safety for an illuminated road.
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