Deus deseja que possamos aceitar a honrar a qualidade de seus filhos, e assim, nos abençoar imensamente, portanto, não devemos ficar perdendo tempo, são muitas maravilhas aguardando para que tomemos posse.
O Senhor quer nos bendizer, somos criaturas à imagem e semelhança do todo poderoso, nosso criador e salvador que está sempre de braços abertos para nos proteger, confortar e a nos conceder outra inigualável dádiva que é a vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: blessings.
Because the Mister of the Armies it will bless them, saying: Blessed it is Egypt, my people, and the Assyrian, work of my hands, and Israel, my inheritance. (Isaías 19:25)
God wants that we can accept to honor your children's quality, and like this, to bless us vastly, therefore, we should not be wasting time, they are many marvels awaiting so that we take ownership.
The Mister he wants us very well, we are creatures to the image and likeness of the all powerful, our creator and savior that it is always of open arms to protect us, to comfort and granting us other unequaled gift that is the eternal life.
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