O Senhor nos indica o caminho para que ao retornar possamos estar de corações puros e que as obras que tenhamos realizado sejam de acordo com a sabedoria insculpida na palavra.
Temos um caminho a seguir em proteção e que nos leva à salvação, pelo qual podemos realizar nossa jornada em segurança e colhendo maravilhosos frutos, portanto, cabe somente a nós não deixarmos nenhuma pendência que desagrade a Deus e seja empecilho para um encontro glorioso com o salvador.
Sentence of the day: the encounter.
Because I fear that, when it arrives, be not as I would want, and I am found of you as you would not want; that somehow there are disputes, envy, angers, disputes, depreciations, gossips, prides, tumults. (2 Coríntios12:20)
The Mister it indicates us the road so that when coming back we can be of pure hearts and that the works that we have accomplished are in agreement with the wisdom recorded in the word.
We have a road to proceed in protection and that in the group to the salvation, for which we can accomplish our day in safety and picking wonderful fruits, therefore, it only fits to us not to leave any dispute that displeases God and be difficulty for a glorious encounter with the savior.
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