que Deus nos deixou por ensinamentos nas escrituras não pode ser alterado de
nenhuma forma, ao contrário, é importante o respeito para com a sabedoria que o
Senhor nos deixou por heranças para que sejamos merecedores das maravilhas às
quais seremos merecedores, sendo fiéis e perseverantes em nos saciarmos da
of the day: respect for divine wisdom.
I know that everything God does will last forever; Nothing should be
added to it, and nothing should be taken away from it; And this God doeth, that
there may be fear before him. (Ecclesiastes 3:14)
What God has left us by teachings in the scriptures can not be altered
in any way, but rather respect for the wisdom that the Lord has left us by
inheritance so that we are deserving of the wonders to which we will be worthy,
being faithful and persevering In the satiation of the source.
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