nossa crença nas palavras de Deus e obediência aos ensinamentos divinos nos
concederão o gozo de benefícios além mesmo dos que desejarmos.
Senhor se alegra com os servos fiéis, os quais serão sempre honrados e
gratificados para a glória do pai celestial.
Sentence of the day: God gets happy with the
But now they want a best, that is, the celestial.
Therefore also God is not embarrassed of them, of calling her your God, because
he already prepared them a city. (Hebrew 11:16)
Our faith in the words of God and obedience to the
divine teachings will grant us beyond even the joy of benefits of the ones that
we want.
The Mister he gets happy with the faithful servants,
which will always be honest and rewarded for the celestial father's glory.
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