Só Deus sabe o que acontecerá no instante seguinte, portanto, cabe
a cada um de nós vivermos com responsabilidade e intensidade cada momento,
procurando desempenhar os nossos atos de acordo com os conselhos do Senhor
durante a caminhada pelo mundo terreno, carregando a certeza de que a nossa
existência não cessará com a morte.
Conhecendo Deus mão haverá
motivos para ter medo. O Senhor é coragem e poder, portanto, como herdeiros
estaremos seguros mesmo diante das adversidades.
Sentence of the day: life and
Although I walked for the it is worth of the shade of the death, he would not fear badly some, because you are with me; your stick and your crook console me. (Psalms 23:4)
God only knows what will happen in
the following instant, therefore, it fits to each one of us to live with
responsibility and intensity every moment, trying to carry out our acts in
agreement with the advices of the Mister during the walk for the terrestrial
world, carrying the certainty that our existence won't cease with the
Knowing God hand there will be
reasons to have fear. The Mister it is courage and power, therefore, as heirs
we will be even safe due to the adversities.
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