palavra nos traz a certeza do retorno do nosso salvador neste mundo terreno, mas,
não apenas isso, também nos ensina como e que devemos estar preparados para o
merecimento de sermos escolhidos como servos de Deus.
assegurado o retorno, mas, não o momento específico, o que somente Deus sabe,
portanto, a nossa preparação deve ser diária para que estejamos em condições de
recebermos a oportunidade da dádiva da vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: preparation.
And when the man's Son comes in your glory, and all
the saints angels with him, then she will sit on the throne of your glory. And
all the nations will be gathered before him, and it will separate some of the
other ones, as the shepherd it separates of the male goats the sheep. (Mateus
The word brings us the certainty of our savior's
return in this terrestrial world, but, not just that, also teaches us as and
that should be prepared for the desert of we be chosen as servants of God.
It is assured us the return, but, not the specific
moment, which only God knows, therefore, our preparation should be daily so
that we are in conditions of we receive the opportunity of the gift of the
eternal life.
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