A condução da nossa vida deve ser de acordo com a sabedoria
contida nas escrituras, se resumindo em algo que excluiu a obrigação de sacrifícios
e que com certeza é agradável a todos que é respeitar a Deus, guardando e vivendo
os mandamentos que nos deixou com imenso amor.
Sentence of the day: I respect and
wisdom when living.
Of everything that ear is had, the
end is: He fears God, and he keeps your commandments; because that is the
whole man's duty. (Eclesiastes 12:13)
The conduction of our life should be
in agreement with the wisdom contained in the deeds, if summarizing in
something that excluded the obligation of sacrifices and that with certainty is
pleasant to all that it is respect to God, keeping and living the commandments
that he left us with immense love.
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