Vivemos em sociedade e essa situação nos coloca diante de
situações diversas, as quais precisaremos debater ou no mínimo ouvir, mas,
jamais permitirmos que questões terrenas nos envolvam, pois, a efetividade se
reside na palavra.
A adrenalina que conduz a desafios tolos, colocando preciosas
vidas em perigo, o rancor e atitudes ásperas e o mau combate, nada disso nos
pertence, ao contrário são incentivos nos quais o inimigo aposta na tentativa
de nos convencer às suas inúteis ofertas.
Sentence of the day: to prioritize the word.
But you don't enter in crazy subjects, genealogies and
contentions, and in the debates concerning the law; because they are useless
and void things. (Tito 3:9)
We lived in society and that situation places us due
to several situations, which we will need to discuss or at least to hear, but,
we never allow terrestrial subjects to involve us, therefore, the effectiveness
resides her in the word.
The adrenaline that leads to foolish challenges,
placing precious lives in danger, the rancor and rough attitudes and the bad
combats, nothing of that belongs us, to the opposite they are incentives us
which the enemy bets in the attempt of convincing us to your useless offers.
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