nossas jornadas serão serenas e agradáveis se mantermos a nossa fé, mesmo
diante dos vários desafios aos quais formos submetidos, pois, agindo com
confiança no Senhor estaremos sendo merecedores da companhia de anjos que
manterá a nossa proteção e preparará o que necessitarmos para a prosperidade.
of the day: prosperity in our days.
he told me: The Mister, in whose presence has been walking, he will send your
angel with you, and your road will prosper, so that you take woman for my son
of my family and of my father's house. (Gênesis 24:40)
days will be serene and you pleased if we maintain our faith, even before the
several challenges to the which we be submitted, therefore, acting with trust
in the Mister we will be being worthy of the angels' company that will maintain
our protection and he will prepare what need for the prosperity.
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