Não serão pelas obras que o Senhor nos reconhecerá ou nos recompensará, Ele espera que sejamos fortes e corajosos em todas as situações, mesmo quando ao olharmos para os lados os nossos companheiros já tiverem saído em fuga e mesmo que a vitória não seja fácil a perseverança aliada à prudência deverão ser mantidas com firmeza.
As atribuições e desafios impostos ou aceitos durante a nossa jornada serão transformados em realizações, se nos mantivermos fiéis e de bom ânimo, pois, assim, o Senhor estará contribuindo com a força e sabedoria necessária para o nosso sucesso.
Sentence of the day: day under the teachings is synonymous of success.
And Davi said your Salomão son: He makes an effort you and he has good vitality, and make the work; don't fear, nor frighten you; because the Mister God, my God, it must be with you; he won't leave you, nor it will abandon you, until that finish the whole work of the service of the house of the Mister. (1 chronicles 28:20)
They won't be for the works that the Mister it will recognize us or it will reward us, He waits that we are strong and courageous in all the situations, same when to the we look at the sides our companions they have already left in escape and even if the victory is not easy the allied perseverance to the prudence they should be maintained with firmness.
The attributions and imposed challenges or accepted during our day they will be transformed in accomplishments, if we maintain ourselves followers and of good vitality, because, like this, the Mister it will be contributing with the force and necessary wisdom to our success.
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