Deus fala com nós, inclusive através dos nossos sonhos e
sentimentos despertados em nossos corações. Jamais devemos permanecer inertes quando
o Senhor nos dá um sinal, ao contrário, devemos cumprir com o que nos foi
pedido para que seja manifestada a glória do criador.
Sentence of the day: obedience in
recognition to the Mister.
And he said Moisés: This is the thing
that the Mister it ordered that did; and the glory of the Mister he/she will
appear you. (Levítico 9:6)
God speaks to us, besides through our
dreams and feelings wakened up in our hearts. We should never stay inert when
the Mister he gives us a sign, to the opposite, we should execute what it was
us asked so that the creator's glory is manifested.
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