A efetiva fonte, da qual podemos nos deliciar encontrando
todas as respostas e tudo mais para suprir as nossas necessidades para ao final
sermos coroados com a vitória está na palavra que Deus nos deixou gratuitamente
e de fácil acesso.
A nossa verdadeira crença em Deus que nos habilita a
elevarmos os nossos pedidos, os quais sendo fiéis e multiplicadores das
instruções divinas serão materializados para nossa alegria e toda honra e
glória do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: the source is in the deeds.
You won't turn you for the fortune-tellers and
charming; you don't look for yourselves, contaminating you with them. I am it
Mister your God. (Levítico 19:31)
The effective source, of the which we can delight
finding all the answers and everything more to supply our needs for at the end
we be crowned with the victory it is in the word that God left us gratuitously
and of easy access.
Our true faith in God that enables us elevate her our
requests, the ones which being faithful and multipliers of the divine
instructions will be materialized for our happiness and every honor and glory
of the Mister.
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