Deus nos reconhece pela nossa fé, instrumento primordial para
o alcance do sucesso em tudo quanto nos dedicarmos a realizar. Em nossos
pedidos devemos incluir a da confirmação das nossas obras e atividades, as quais
o Senhor abençoará para que surta os efeitos necessários, agradáveis e
Sentence of the day: the value of our facts.
And be on us the beauty of the Mister our God, and it
confirms on us the work of our hands; yes, it confirms the work of our hands. (Psalms
God recognizes us for our faith, primordial instrument
for the reach of the success in whatever dedicate ourselves to accomplish. In
our requests we should include the one of the confirmation of our works and
activities, the ones which the Mister it will bless so that it supplies the
effects necessary, pleasant and victorious.
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