Efetivamente, a ferrense Georgina Gabriela, materializou mais um de seus sonhos e contribuiu para a nossa cultura, lançando o seu belo livro “Apaixonantes Poemas”.
A solenidade foi simplesmente emocionante. Ocorreu no Caiçaras Social Clube, em São Pedro dos Ferros, Minas Gerais, Brasil, tendo início às 19 horas, quando a promissora escritora contou com a presença de parentes, colegas de trabalho, amigos e diversos profissionais da sociedade ferrense, os quais prestigiaram o lançamento e ao mesmo tempo tiveram uma oportunidade sensacional em poder testemunhar um evento raro no município.
Mais uma vez parabenizo a escritora pela perseverança e conquista de um sonho que em muito enriquecerá a nossa cultura com a sua obra fascinante e que com certeza provocará muitos encantos.

Culture: emotion and happiness marked the release of the book.
The night of this Thursday (29/12/2011) he had beginning in a special way, after all, they are not everyday that got the opportunity in participating in the release of a book.
Culture: emotion and happiness marked the release of the book.
The night of this Thursday (29/12/2011) he had beginning in a special way, after all, they are not everyday that got the opportunity in participating in the release of a book.
Indeed, the ferrense Georgina Gabriela, materialized one more of your dreams and it contributed to our culture, publishing your beautiful book " Thrilling Poems ".
The solemnity was simply touching. He you happened in the Inhabitants of the seaside Social Club, in São Pedro of Ferros, Minas Gerais, Brazil, tends beginning at the 19 hours, when the promising writer counted with the relatives' presence, work friends, friends and several professionals of the society ferrense, which gave prestige to the release and at the same time they had a sensational opportunity in could testify a rare event in the municipal district.
The interested in doing the acquisition of the thrilling work, initially it will directly be able to make arrangements with the writer for the telephone (33)8826-8973 e/or e-mail: georginagaby2011@hotmail.com.
Once again I congratulate the writer for the perseverance and it conquers of a dream that in a lot it will enrich our culture her with your fascinating work and that with certainty will provoke many charms.
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