O Senhor é a minha força e o meu escudo; nele confiou o meu coração, e fui socorrido; pelo que o meu coração salta de prazer, e com o meu cântico o louvarei. (Salmos 28:7)
Não existe e nem existirá nada neste mundo que se aproxime das graças concedidas por Deus.
Se nos sentimos fracos fisicamente ou até mesmo se a nossa fé se encontra abalada, pedimos e o Senhor nos revigora. Quando estamos sendo atacados pelo inimigo e cremos, recebemos o socorro que precisamos.
Se Deus está sempre pronto a atender as nossas preces, devemos manter purificado o nosso coração, confiando plenamente e entoando cânticos de louvores em agradecimento pelas alegrias derramadas em nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: our happiness is in God
The Mister it is my force and my shield; in him it entrusted my heart, and I was helped; for the that my heart jumps of pleasure, and with my song I will praise him. (Psalms 28:7)
He you doesn't exist and nor nothing will exist in this world that approaches of the thanks granted by God.
If we felt physically weak or even if our faith is shaky, we asked and the Mister it invigorates us. When we are being attacked by the enemy and we had faith, we received the help that we needed.
If God is always ready to assist our prayers, we should maintain purified our heart, trusting fully and intoning songs of praises in gratefulness for the happiness spilled in our lives.
Não existe e nem existirá nada neste mundo que se aproxime das graças concedidas por Deus.
Se nos sentimos fracos fisicamente ou até mesmo se a nossa fé se encontra abalada, pedimos e o Senhor nos revigora. Quando estamos sendo atacados pelo inimigo e cremos, recebemos o socorro que precisamos.
Se Deus está sempre pronto a atender as nossas preces, devemos manter purificado o nosso coração, confiando plenamente e entoando cânticos de louvores em agradecimento pelas alegrias derramadas em nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: our happiness is in God
The Mister it is my force and my shield; in him it entrusted my heart, and I was helped; for the that my heart jumps of pleasure, and with my song I will praise him. (Psalms 28:7)
He you doesn't exist and nor nothing will exist in this world that approaches of the thanks granted by God.
If we felt physically weak or even if our faith is shaky, we asked and the Mister it invigorates us. When we are being attacked by the enemy and we had faith, we received the help that we needed.
If God is always ready to assist our prayers, we should maintain purified our heart, trusting fully and intoning songs of praises in gratefulness for the happiness spilled in our lives.
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